Business Plans For Kids is a counterintuitive approach to teaching practical skills to your children, that allows you to engage and excite your kids through hands-on learning.
It deviates from the conventional textbook-focused methods that have been engrained in our education system since the industrial revolution.
We achieve this by launching an actual business together - a method that doesn't overwhelm your schedule or force dry business theory on your children.
And as a result...this frees you up to focus on collaborating with your child on a real-world project that unlocks their potential - this is the Business Plans For Kids framework.
I remembered a valuable lesson from my own childhood, when my father gave me a $150 loan to start a candy machine business. This experience taught me about money, business, confidence, sales, and public speaking.
That's when I realized that we already had the solution we were looking for.
Two years ago, we began a similar journey with my daughter.
We started a business together and the results were incredible: her confidence shot up and she developed remarkable problem-solving skills.
My children not only became engaged with the learning process, they were begging for more!
Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Business Plans For Kids system my wife an I built by downloading a $27 eBook called Business Plans For Kids.
Here's how it works:
Business Plans For Kids eBook
A comprehensive guide that breaks down complex business concepts into enjoyable, bite-sized lessons tailored for young entrepreneurs.
One Page Business Plan Templates
These templates distill the essentials of a business plan into a single, easy-to-understand format, perfect for parents and children eager to transform ideas into action.
Parent Workbook
A valuable workbook filled with guidance, practical exercises, and conversation starters to help parents support and nurture their child's business journey.
...And in turn engage and excite their kids faster than ever before...
...All while avoiding the constraints of the traditional education system so they can focus on collaborating...
...And best of all strengthen their bond through a shared, hands-on experience.
…This is something completely different, because…
We don’t focus on memorizing facts and figures
We don’t force business theory on them
We don’t rely solely on textbooks
We don’t overwhelm kids with lectures
We don’t teach entrepreneurship through worksheets
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
We stopped forcing business theory on them
We stopped relying solely on textbooks
We stopped overwhelming our kids with lectures
We stopped teaching through worksheets
We stopped trying to memorize facts and figures
I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.
My name’s Chase Woodhams…
You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.
My life’s pretty good... My wife and I have been able to engage our kids in a way that textbooks never could.
We've transformed from a place where we were begging our kids to pay attention and memorize things, to a place where they are begging us to learn new things.
I've seen them thrive as they learn practical skills and get a taste of entrepreneurship.
We've strengthened our bond with our kids as we collaborate on real projects.
I had no idea how I was going to raise our kids to be independent thinkers who could be self-sufficient.
I had no direction on what we should do.
I had no resources or guides, as there wasn't much on the internet about this subject.
... and the traditional education methods were not engaging our kids or helping them develop real-world skills.
This meant I couldn’t provide the practical, engaging education I wanted for our kids.
There’s a stupid myth out there.. that kids are too young to start a business.
… Well as far as I've seen this doesn’t hold true..
And if you want to instill entrepreneurial skills in your children, this myth not the answer...
We know, because we tried.
We gave it everything we had.
We gave it our BEST shot.
And it still didn’t work.
Because we played by the rules and we did everything the "right way"...
We had goals, dreams, and aspirations...we wanted more out of life for our children...
...and teaching our kids through traditional homeschooling methods wasn't going to work.
So, in that moment of frustration, a memory from over 15 years prior suddenly resurfaced. It was all of the lessons my father had taught me when I was just an 11-year-old kid, a lesson about business and entrepreneurship. That was it! That was the solution we'd been searching for.
We realized we could teach our children real-life skills by teaching them how to start a business. It was a flash of insight that connected my past experiences with our present challenges, and it felt like a ray of hope piercing through the fog of uncertainty.
This idea wasn't just cool, it was a revelation. We knew then that most parents were probably feeling the same frustration We were. They also wanted a better, more engaging way to teach their children, a way that could prepare them for the real world.
The difference now was that We had a plan. We were going to apply a practical, project-based learning approach with our kids. We were going to break free from the textbook trap and venture into the exciting world of entrepreneurship with them.
A: No, traditional education methods often lack the practical, hands-on experience kids need to navigate real-world demands.
A: No, rote memorization of facts and figures can often stifle creativity and critical thinking rather than inspire it.
A: Resources like the 'Business Plans for Kids' eBook, 'Fast Start Video Series', 'One Page Business Plan Templates', and 'Parent Workbook' can provide practical, engaging, and hands-on learning experiences. These tools ignite creativity, promote active learning, and foster an entrepreneurial spirit in children, preparing them not just for school, but for life.
All you have to do is guide them in creating and executing their own business plans.
We had no idea how to create a business plan suitable for kids, how to simplify complex business concepts, how to guide them in market research, or how to help them understand budgeting and finance. My father had instilled in me the principles of entrepreneurship, but it was more of a verbal education without any specific guide or roadmap.
All We knew how to do was to encourage their curiosity and foster their creativity, using the lessons my dad had taught me.
Late nights researching and planning.
Hard work creating lesson plans and adapting business concepts.
Stress about whether we were doing it right or whether it was going to be effective.
We followed my dad's lessons, We created a business with our kids, we launched small-scale businesses, and we got some results.
But We ran into a big problem - We had created a curriculum that required our constant involvement and adaptation. We felt like We were running on a hamster wheel, constantly having to come up with new materials and ideas.
That was our life and we were ready to quit.
But thankfully, We didn't...
Instead of still struggling with traditional schooling methods, feeling like we were failing our children, and constantly worrying about whether we were actually preparing them for the real world,
We are now guiding our children in running their very own businesses, seeing them apply real-world skills every day, and watching them learn and grow in ways we never imagined. We have transformed our educational experiences into a practical, engaging, and fun journey of entrepreneurship.
They're not just learning about business, they're living it, and that's more than we could have ever wanted.
We have our children enthusiastic about learning, taking charge of their own entrepreneurial projects, and most importantly, looking forward to each day of education.
Unlike other parents who are still grappling with the conventional homeschooling methods, feeling overwhelmed and constantly worrying about whether they're doing enough for their children's learning, Those parents will end up investing all their time trying to implement outdated educational methods, forcing their kids to rote learn information, and dealing with constant stress over their children's academic progress.
We walked that path for years, and it not only left us frustrated…
It pushed us to the point where we were not meeting our children's educational needs.
Instead of me facilitating a dynamic, hands-on learning experience for our children, We found ourselves stuck in the monotonous cycle of traditional educational methods.
And The Result Of Using This New Way?
And the best part is that I've become a lifelong learner myself, constantly seeking out knowledge and new ways to grow and improve as a parent-educator.
This journey has not only benefitted our kids, but it has also led to my own personal growth and learning, something I didn't anticipate but am immensely grateful for.
If you follow every single step that we teach, you end up with children who are not only academically knowledgeable but also equipped with practical, real-world skills through their own entrepreneurial ventures...
But it’s much more than that. You end up fostering a love for learning in your children, encouraging their creativity, and nurturing their problem-solving skills.
You see them grow as individuals, learning to take initiative, make decisions, and handle real-world situations. And in that process, you too grow as a parent and an educator, building a deeper bond with your children and creating memorable learning experiences together.
Now, speaking of the model...
We are going to share something that’s a little bit unsettling with you.
Here it goes:
We are potentially impacting our own children's future competitive advantage by showing you this.
And the other parenting and education gurus out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what we teach (except it doesn't work).
Ready for it?
There are the "Traditionalists" and there are "Innovators".
For our first 2 years - We were Traditionalist.
Traditionalists are always out there trying to replicate the school system at home, using textbooks, standardized tests, and rigid schedules.
Their strategy is to try to squeeze their kids into the conventional education mold.
And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..
Planning daily lessons in line with traditional school curriculum
Grading endless assignments and tests
Struggling to keep their children engaged
Worrying about whether their kids are learning enough
The problem isn't the model itself, it's that the traditional education model was not designed for the individual needs, interests, and pace of each child. It was designed for mass education, not individual learning.
And this is the same exact thing that happened to us before we figured out the Business Plans For Kids model.
The solution?
We said it, we turn our children into mini-entrepreneurs...
...Because we would rather have children who are actively engaged in their own learning, who are acquiring real-world skills, and are excited about education, instead of kids who are passively absorbing information from textbooks and getting bored with monotonous lessons.
No thanks. We did that before and it sucks.
So here's the deal...
...We explain everything in the "business plans for kids" eBook, it's a 75-page book that shows you everything you need to know.
It guides you on how to shift from the traditional model of education to an innovative, engaging, and practical model of learning by doing.
The book provides you with step-by-step methods, strategies, and practical examples to help you and your children embark on this exciting journey of Business Plans For Kids.
There's a lot of activity happening in the world of education
With the rise of the internet, easy access to information, and the changing dynamics of the job market, the traditional methods of schooling are becoming far less relevant.
This has created a crisis of confidence among parents. They are questioning whether they are truly preparing their children for the future, teaching them the right skills, and fostering in them a love for learning.
Most of these parents are now looking for a new solution...
And as you may have guessed it - we have it.
And what's really cool is that our solution, the "Business Plans for Kids" framework, puts the child at the center of their education.
It focuses on real-world skills, fosters creativity and problem-solving, and prepares children for the future in a way that traditional methods simply cannot.
It's not just about memorizing facts and figures; it's about understanding the world, learning how to learn, and becoming active participants in their own education.
And that's where the "Business Plans For Kids" program comes in...
It does this beautifully in five easy steps...
And that’s the difference here.
When you embrace the "Business Plans For Kids" model and guide your children in setting up their own businesses, the results are amplified and sustainable.
The contrast is that when you stick to the old model of traditional education methods, you may not fully achieve the desired outcomes.
We are not saying the old way will not work. It dopes for some.. But do you really want to gamble on your childrens future?
What we are saying is that if your goal is to develop your children's practical skills and foster their entrepreneurial spirit, the old way might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from reaching those goals!
The old way requires extensive planning, following rigid schedules, and engaging in time-consuming activities.
On the other hand, the new approach just requires a simple shift in mindset and actively involving your children in real-world projects, which takes care of everything.
And that's why this is different.
And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
Getting remarkable results and witnessing your children's growth and development isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.
It’s something that will naturally happen if you just stick with the program and implement everything We are going to share with you in the "Business Plans For Kids" book.
Here’s what we want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to a few months from today.
Because if you implement everything We are going to share with you in the "Business Plans For Kids" book, that’s when you’ll start seeing your first incredible results.
That’s how easy this is.
We know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliché…
Listen: I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to achieve your goals...
We promise you this...
Anyone can achieve their desired outcomes with the right model (more on this below)..
Ultimately, We want you to know one thing..
Here is a post from one of our group members:
and here's another reason
you too can do this
Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.
We already did all of the hard work for you.
We figured it all out.
Which means...there’s nothing for you to "figure out".
You just need to download this book and, most importantly, implement it!
That's it...
All of this is revealed in the 75-page Business Plans For Kids eBook in step-by-step detail.
Making it a counterintuitive approach to fostering entrepreneurship and real-world skills for the person that seeks confidence, creativity, and practical knowledge.
And that's not all, because...
And that's not all, becuase...
If igniting your children's entrepreneurial spirit and fostering their practical skills is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to achieve it.
⦁ 10 Fun Family Activities: A collection of 10 engaging and enjoyable activities that combine business and family bonding. These activities will not only strengthen your relationship but also provide practical learning experiences for your children as they actively participate in business-related tasks.
⦁ Growth Mindset for Kids Manual: A comprehensive manual that introduces the concept of growth mindset to children. It provides practical strategies and exercises to help them develop resilience, embrace challenges, and cultivate a positive attitude towards learning and personal growth. This manual will empower your children to overcome obstacles, build self-confidence, and develop a lifelong love for learning.
⦁ Young Entrepreneurial Storybook: A specially curated collection of inspiring stories about successful entrepreneurs who started their journey at a young age. This storybook will motivate and inspire your children, showcasing real-life examples of young entrepreneurs who turned their ideas into successful businesses.
⦁ Business Planning Worksheets: A set of interactive worksheets that guide your children through each step of the business planning process. These worksheets will help them brainstorm ideas, set goals, create action plans, and track their progress as they build and grow their businesses.
By including these resources, we aim to provide you and your children with a comprehensive package that supports their entrepreneurial journey, fosters personal growth, and strengthens family bonds.
We initially planned to sell this book for $60, considering the costs involved in printing and shipping physical copies.
However, since it's an eBook, We realized that We can make it more accessible and help a larger number of people by offering it at this lower price.
So, take advantage of this limited-time opportunity and download the Business Plans For Kids eBook now.
We are confident that you'll find immense value in it, and We hope it marks the beginning of a positive and long-lasting business relationship.
In The World
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.
Testimonial #1
Testimonial #2
Parent Workbook
A valuable workbook filled with guidance, practical exercises, and conversation starters to help parents support and nurture their child's business journey.
One Page Business Plan Template:
A set of interactive worksheets that guide your children through each step of the business planning process. These worksheets will help them brainstorm ideas, set goals, create action plans, and track their progress as they build and grow their businesses.
Growth Mindset for Kids Manual
A comprehensive manual that introduces the concept of growth mindset to children. It provides practical strategies and exercises to help them develop resilience, embrace challenges, and cultivate a positive attitude towards learning and personal growth. This manual will empower your children to overcome obstacles, build self-confidence, and develop a lifelong love for learning.
10 Fun Family Activities
A collection of 10 engaging and enjoyable activities that combine business and family bonding. These activities will not only strengthen your relationship but also provide practical learning experiences for your children as they actively participate in business-related tasks.
Young Entrepreneur Storybook
A specially curated collection of inspiring stories about successful entrepreneurs who started their journey at a young age. This storybook will motivate and inspire your children, showcasing real-life examples of young entrepreneurs who turned their ideas into successful businesses.
(Save $31.40 today)
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You're also getting..
Exclusive Video Training
$700,000 Website Template
Quickstart PDF Guide
2 Hour Agency Community
7 Day Fast Start Video Series
BP4K eBook
This comprehensive guide simplifies complex business concepts into fun, digestible lessons for young minds.
Growth Mindset for Kids Manual
A comprehensive manual that introduces the concept of growth mindset to children. It provides practical strategies and exercises to help them develop resilience, embrace challenges, and cultivate a positive attitude towards learning and personal growth. This manual will empower your children to overcome obstacles, build self-confidence, and develop a lifelong love for learning.
10 Fun Family Activities
A collection of 10 engaging and enjoyable activities that combine business and family bonding. These activities will not only strengthen your relationship but also provide practical learning experiences for your children as they actively participate in business-related tasks.
Young Entrepreneur Storybook
A specially curated collection of inspiring stories about successful entrepreneurs who started their journey at a young age. This storybook will motivate and inspire your children, showcasing real-life examples of young entrepreneurs who turned their ideas into successful businesses.
Parent Workbook
This resource is packed with advice, exercises, and discussion prompts to help you effectively support your child's business endeavors.
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